Single Responsibility Principle

Ignacy Sokołowski

What is the SRP?

Every class, method, function should be responsible for only one thing.


Robert C. Martin a.k.a. Uncle Bob, Principles of Object Oriented Programming

Part of SOLID principles.

Real life examples

What is the single responsibility?

What does it mean to be responsible for only one thing?

Not just doing only one thing

It will always do more than one thing.

One function can invoke several other functions
but it will not be responsible for how they are implemented.

One level of abstraction

One level of abstraction

One level of abstraction

def send_email_report(user, category, time_period):
    data = get_report_data(category, time_period)
    report_body = format_report(data)
    send_email(, report_body)

One reason to change

If you'd like to change the way reports are formatted,
you should not need to change the class responsible for preparing the report data.

If you'd like to change the database for articles,
you should not need to change the controller for displaying articles.



If it does more than one thing, you need to write lots of different tests for it.

Each test executes the whole body. It takes time. Or you need to mock a lot.

You don't write sufficent amount of tests simply because it's too much testing.

Code smells

Code smell: Too many locals

def validate_signature(xml, developer, app, secret):
    timestamp = get_xpath(xml, './Timestamp/text()')
    sig = ''.join([timestamp, developer, app, secret])
    md5sig = hashlib.md5(sig.encode()).digest()
    b64sig = base64.b64encode(md5sig).decode()
    xml_sig = get_xpath(xml, './Signature/text()')
    if xml_sig != b64sig:
        raise SignatureError('XML signature is invalid.')

Code smell: Sections within functions

def validate_signature(xml, developer, app, secret):
    timestamp = get_xpath(xml, './Timestamp/text()')
    xml_sig = get_xpath(xml, './Signature/text()')

    sig = ''.join([timestamp, developer, app, secret])
    md5sig = hashlib.md5(sig.encode()).digest()
    b64sig = base64.b64encode(md5sig).decode()

    if xml_sig != b64sig:
        raise SignatureError('XML signature is invalid.')

Code smell: Comments in code

def validate_signature(xml, developer, app, secret):
    timestamp = get_xpath(xml, './Timestamp/text()')
    xml_sig = get_xpath(xml, './Signature/text()')

    # Calculate valid signature.
    sig = ''.join([timestamp, developer, app, secret])
    md5sig = hashlib.md5(sig.encode()).digest()
    b64sig = base64.b64encode(md5sig).decode()

    if xml_sig != b64sig:
        raise SignatureError('XML signature is invalid.')

Extracting responsibility

def validate_signature(xml, developer, app, secret):
    timestamp = get_xpath(xml, './Timestamp/text()')
    xml_sig = get_xpath(xml, './Signature/text()')
    valid_sig = calculate_valid_signature(timestamp, developer, app, secret)
    if xml_sig != valid_sig:
        raise SignatureError('XML signature is invalid.')

def calculate_valid_signature(timestamp, developer, app, secret):
    sig = ''.join([timestamp, developer, app, secret])
    md5sig = hashlib.md5(sig.encode()).digest()
    return base64.b64encode(md5sig).decode()

Code smell: Mixing objects and data structures

class User(object):

    # [...]

    def send_report(self, category, start_date, end_date):
        email_subject = '{} report for {} - {}'.format(
        offers = db_session.query(Offer).filter(
            Offer.category == category,
            Offer.when_created.between(start_date, end_date),
        template_path = 'report_{}.html'.format(self.report_type)
        template_context = {
            'user': self,
            'category': category,
            'offers': offers,
            'start_date': start_date,
            'end_date': end_date,
        email_body = render_template(template_path, template_context)
        email_message = email.Message(email_subject, email_body)
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(config.smtp_uri)
        smtp.sendmail(config.sender_email,, email_message.as_string())

Code smell: Long method

class EmailReporter(object):

    def send_report(self, user, category, start_date, end_date):
        email_subject = '{} report for {} - {}'.format(
        offers = db_session.query(Offer).filter(
            Offer.category == category,
            Offer.when_created.between(start_date, end_date),
        template_path = 'report_{}.html'.format(user.report_type)
        template_context = {
            'user': user,
            'category': category,
            'offers': offers,
            'start_date': start_date,
            'end_date': end_date,
        email_body = render_template(template_path, template_context)
        email_message = email.Message(email_subject, email_body)
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(config.smtp_uri)
        smtp.sendmail(config.sender_email,, email_message.as_string())

Long method refactoring: DTO

class Report(object):

    def __init__(self, user, category, offers, period):
        self.user = user
        self.category = category
        self.offers = offers
        self.period = period
class Period(object):

    def __init__(self, start, end):
        self.start = start
        self.end = end

    def __str__(self):
        return '{} - {}'.format(

Long method refactoring

class ReportPreparator(object):

    def __init__(self, offers_finder):
        self._offers_finder = offers_finder

    def prepare(self, user, category, period):
        offers = self._offers_finder.find(category, period)
        return Report(user, category, offers, period)

Long method refactoring

class OffersFinder(object):

    def find(self, category, period):
        return db_session.query(Offer).filter(
            Offer.category == category,
            Offer.when_created.between(period.start, period.end),

Long method refactoring

class EmailReporter(object):

    def __init__(self, report_preparator):
        self._report_preparator = report_preparator

    def send_report(self, user, category, period):
        email_subject = '{} report for {}'.format(category, period)
        report = self._report_preparator.prepare(user, category, period)
        template_path = 'report_{}.html'.format(user.report_type)
        template_context = {
            'user': report.user,
            'category': report.category,
            'offers': report.offers,
            'period': report.period,
        email_body = render_template(template_path, template_context)
        email_message = email.Message(email_subject, email_body)
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(config.smtp_uri)
        smtp.sendmail(config.sender_email,, email_message.as_string())

Long method refactoring

class HTMLReportFormatter(object):

    def format(self, report):
        template_path = 'report_{}.html'.format(report.user.report_type)
        template_context = {
            'user': report.user,
            'category': report.category,
            'offers': report.offers,
            'period': report.period,
        return render_template(template_path, template_context)

Long method refactoring

class EmailReporter(object):

    def __init__(self, report_preparator, report_formatter):
        self._report_preparator = report_preparator
        self._report_formatter = report_formatter

    def send_report(self, user, category, period):
        email_subject = '{} report for {}'.format(category, period)
        report = self._report_preparator.prepare(user, category, period)
        email_body = self._report_formatter.format(report)
        email_message = email.Message(email_subject, email_body)
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(config.smtp_uri)
        smtp.sendmail(config.sender_email,, email_message.as_string())

Long method refactoring

class ReportEmailPreparator(object):

    def __init__(self, report_formatter):
        self._report_formatter = report_formatter

    def prepare(self, report):
        subject = self._prepare_subject(report)
        body = self._report_formatter.format(report)
        return email.Message(subject, body)

    def _prepare_subject(self, report):
        return '{} report for {}'.format(report.category, report.period)

Long method refactoring

class EmailReporter(object):

    def __init__(self, report_preparator, report_email_preparator):
        self._report_preparator = report_preparator
        self._report_email_preparator = report_email_preparator

    def send_report(self, user, category, period):
        report = self._report_preparator.prepare(user, category, period)
        email_message = self._report_email_preparator.prepare(report)
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(config.smtp_uri)
        smtp.sendmail(config.sender_email,, email_message.as_string())

Long method refactoring

class EmailSender(object):

    def __init__(self, smtp_uri, sender_address):
        self._smtp_uri = smtp_uri
        self._sender_address = sender_address

    def send(self, address, message):
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self._smtp_uri)
        smtp.sendmail(self._sender_address, address, message.as_string())

Long method refactored

class EmailReporter(object):

    def __init__(self, report_preparator, report_email_preparator, email_sender):
        self._report_preparator = report_preparator
        self._report_email_preparator = report_email_preparator
        self._email_sender = email_sender

    def send_report(self, user, category, period):
        report = self._report_preparator.prepare(user, category, period)
        email_message = self._report_email_preparator.prepare(report)
        self._email_sender.send(, email_message)

Splitting long methods into smaller classes

Code smell: Too many methods in a class

class User(object):

    # [...]

    def send_report(self):

    def prepare_report(self):

    def make_report_email_message(self):

    def make_report_email_message_subject(self):

    def make_report_email_message_body(self):

    def render_report_email_template(self):

    def get_report_email_template_path(self):

    def get_report_email_template_context(self):

    def get_offers_for_report(self):

    def get_offers_search_query_for_report(self):

    def send_email(self):

    # [...]

Code smell: Too many indentation levels

def write_lines(self, lines, encoding=None, errors='strict',
                linesep=os.linesep, append=False):
    if append:
        mode = 'ab'
        mode = 'wb'
    f =
        for line in lines:
            isUnicode = isinstance(line, unicode)
            if linesep is not None:
                # Strip off any existing line-end and add the
                # specified linesep string.
                if isUnicode:
                    if line[-2:] in (u'\r\n', u'\x0d\x85'):
                        line = line[:-2]
                    elif line[-1:] in (u'\r', u'\n',
                                       u'\x85', u'\u2028'):
                        line = line[:-1]
                    if line[-2:] == '\r\n':
                        line = line[:-2]
                    elif line[-1:] in ('\r', '\n'):
                        line = line[:-1]
                line += linesep
            if isUnicode:
                if encoding is None:
                    encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
                line = line.encode(encoding, errors)

Code smell: Mixed languages

def article_controller(request):
    article_id = request.GET['id']
    article = get_article(article_id)
    return (
def article_controller(request):
    article_id = request.GET['id']
    article = get_article(article_id)
    css_class = 'new' if article.is_new else ''
    context = {'article': article, 'class': css_class}
    return render_template('article.html', context)
def article_controller(request):
    article_id = request.GET['id']
    article = cursor.execute(
        'SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id = %s', article_id
    return render_template('article.html', {'article': article})


Thank you